HGH is a peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which is used in sports to form muscle definition. The original human growth hormone Somatropin is an identical synthetic version of the growth hormone that is naturally produced by the human body.
Growth hormone causes a pronounced acceleration of growth in length in young people, mainly due to the growth of long tubular bones of the extremities. It is responsible for many of our development and growth processes, including the stimulation of insulin-like growth factor 1.
It is very often used by athletes in bodybuilding, as it provides not only growth, but also a significant increase in muscle mass. And when combined with anabolic steroids, it will contribute to a host of other benefits, including fat loss, recovery, and rejuvenation.
In plus, HGH is very beneficial for its anti-aging properties, in which case the body is optimized for maximum performance. It affects some of the most important body processes that increase energy by improving sleep quality, bones, joints, and overall body appearance.
- Classification: Peptide Hormone
- Active Half-life: 3 hours
- Dosage: 2-3IU a day
- Water Retention: No
- Aromatization: No
Growth hormone has many benefits, and most importantly, you won’t find them on any anabolic steroids. Let’s take a look at them:
- It is a powerful peptide that will be a good addition to any steroid cycle as it will greatly enhance its effects.
- It provides many positive effects on joints, skin, bones, recovery, sleep, and mood.
- It can be safely used by women without the risk of male side effects, since it does not contain testosterone like most anabolic steroids.
- The substance is beneficial for experienced steroid users who have already achieved high results. Growth hormone supplementation will further improve your physique and strength levels when used with powerful steroids.
- Strengthens joints, tendons and bones
- Accelerates recovery during exercise
- Promotes muscle growth
- Increases energy
- Reduces body fat
- Improves metabolic rate
- Helps to achieve a fuller, heavier physique
- Improves the quality of the skin
- Improves sleep quality
Lilian schmeler –
I am more shredded muscles thanks to this. Best for shredding bulk
Elyse beatty –
Great peptide for any form of growth, grab some if you still can, cause I know quality one is so rare these days
Chester kuhlman –
Just received this beauty from Sheffield England. My twin brother and I. We are super excited
Crest Kuhlman –
We just bought this my brother and I from Sheffield. Bye bye the skinny physique