HGH (Human Growth Hormone), or Somatropin, is a synthetic equivalent of human growth hormone naturally produced by the body. It is sometimes called an anabolic steroid, but in fact, it is a peptide hormone and is different in functions and traits from steroids. Unlike steroids, HGH is not a male hormone, so it can be safely used by females as well, without side effects like virilization.
The growth hormone exists in the body at especially high rates during childhood and decreases with age. It has many beneficial traits, and is used to treat different conditions like growth disorders in children, and even prescribed to the aging people due to its rejuvenation effect.
Somatropin creates an anabolic environment in the body and promotes lipolysis (fat loss), which is why it’s so popular among bodybuilders. It also stimulates the IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1) production, helps with recovery, and improves sleep quality. HGH is usually combined with steroids because it can extremely enhance the effects of steroid cycles.
HGH is highly anabolic, and it can improve not only your body, but also your mood, sleep, and overall well-being. This makes it an ideal compound for almost any cycle, especially in the advanced stack, where a user wants to enhance the results and go beyond the limits. This sought-after drug has become so popular because of numerous benefits:
This makes it a perfect compound for a cutting cycle with powerful anabolic steroids. HGH ensures that your stored fat is used as energy, and doesn’t involve existing muscles in this process, so you know you won’t lose them.
Your physique will also look harder and more defined, and you’ll get more energy throughout the day, which is crucial for a cutting phase when your calorie intake is low.
Somatropin is not very effective in mass gain when used alone at a moderate dosage, but it will truly boost your muscle growth if you stack it with potent bulking steroids. If you increase the dosage, you will also benefit from this hormone used alone but remember that with higher doses come more side effects.
This hormone will help your muscles recover faster, as well as add strength to your bones, joints, and tendons. Besides, your sleep will improve, which lets you exercise and rest more efficiently, and improves your overall well-being. It is very effective in healing even when used alone.
All in all, Somatropin is considered to have a powerful anti-aging effect, because of all of these functions. It is popular among women as well because there are no masculinization symptoms to talk about. Besides, your sleep quality significantly improves, and your skin becomes healthier and looks brighter.
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