Ligandrol is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, which is often used in bodybuilding to accelerate lean muscle mass growth and increase strength in a short time. Today it is the most effective in this field.
Initially, it was developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals to treat conditions such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Hence, it helps build and repair muscle while having a low chance of side effects when compared to anabolic steroids.
The positive effect of taking Ligandrol is as close as possible to the action of anabolic steroids but is devoid of severe side effects. That is why athletes around the world so much love it.
- gaining muscle mass
- improving muscle quality
- increasing endurance and strength indicators
- reducing the amount of fat
- strengthening joints and ligaments
- recovery from injuries and competitions
- Classification: SARM
- Active Half-life: 24-36 hours
- Dosage: 15-20mg a day
- Water Retention: No
- Aromatization: No
- Its main indication and advantage in sports is an effective increase in muscle strength and body mass. The increased anabolic activity in the muscles causes faster growth and recovery of muscle tissue. It improves lean muscle mass and strength, which will take your workout to the next level and accelerate your progress.
- Rapid muscle recovery – due to specific binding to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle, muscle cell DNA gene expression can be altered, resulting in enhanced muscle recovery. By taking Ligandrol, you get a quicker rest and recovery needed to increase muscle energy and strength.
- It provides quality fat loss. It has an ability to burn fat more efficiently. It works on the principle that the more muscle you have, the faster you burn fat. It works best in combination with SARMs, such as Cardarine, for example. This provides an effective cutting cycle for bodybuilders who want a toned look without water retention.
- All these effects will be achieved without the risk of side reactions since this compound hardly causes them. It has neither estrogenic nor androgenic effects, nor does it adversely affect the liver.
- Adherence to a diet rich in amino acids and nutrients and the correct training regimen will ensure you maximum results from the use of Ligandrol. Your gains will grow faster and more, intense cardio will lead to more effective weight loss, and serious weight loss and tone training will lead to a harder physique with minimal fluid retention.
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