RAD-140 is one of the most popular SARMs used for muscle building. The drug is especially famous and popular among professional athletes. Also, it is used to treat muscle and skeletal wasting (osteoporosis).
The most important basic function of this remedy is to increase strength during the cycle significantly, which will actually provide further muscle gain. These 2 factors are key to getting better and faster training results.
SARM is an excellent alternative for people who do not want or cannot use anabolic steroids.
- Classification: SARM
- Active Half-life: 24 hours
- Dosage: 15-30mg a day
- Water Retention: No
- Aromatization: No
- The main benefits of the substance are gains in muscle mass and increased strength, thanks to which you will see quality results faster after a cycle. The drug is effective even in low dosages, so you don’t need to use a lot of this compound.
- Following a healthy diet and exercise regime will ensure you get the best results. Testolone effects:
- Rapid muscle gains – the remedy is one of the most potent anabolic substance legally available on the market. It can provide 9-13 pounds gains in lean muscle mass in 6-8 weeks.
- Strength improvement – Testolone provides a massive increase in strength. The most significant increase in strength is observed at 3-4 weeks of the cycle.
- Loss of body weight – the drug is not a substance commonly used for weight loss. Still, it allows you to lose a few percent of body weight, as a result of its high anabolic activity and accelerated metabolism.
- Increased energy and motivation – Some users report increased mood and decreased fatigue, giving you the extra boost for harder workouts, as well as the motivation and energy you need to maintain your planned exercise and dietary plan throughout your Testolone cycle.
- Another benefit that a high anabolic index contributes to your rapid regeneration. It’s possible to train longer and more often by using RAD.
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