Testosterone Cypionate 300 or Test Cypionate (with the brand name Depo-Testosterone) is available as an injection and is most commonly used as a replacement for testosterone, the male sex hormone. Test Cypionate is an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS), which is given as an injection either into the muscle or subcutaneously once every one to four weeks, depending upon the medical state.
This drug is a synthetic androgenic and anabolic steroid and hence acts as an agonist of the androgen receptor (AR), which is the biological target of androgens like testosterone and DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). It is one of the most commonly used testosterone esters along with testosterone enanthate, testosterone undecanoate and testosterone propionate.
Test Cypionate is widely used in the treatment of male impotency (inability to reproduce), to provoke puberty in boys suffering from delayed puberty, in hormone therapy of transgender men, and inoperable breast cancer in women.
What is Testosterone Cypionate?
Testosterone Cypionate is a synthetic Androgenic and Anabolic steroid (AAS). It is a testosterone ester and acts as a long-lasting prodrug of testosterone in the body. It has very strong androgenic effects and mild anabolic effects, making it more suitable to induce masculinization and to be used in androgen replacement therapy.
It is available only as an injectable solution that can be administered into the muscle as well as subcutaneously. Test Cypionate is a prescription drug and it should not be used on your own unless prescribed by your doctor.
It is advised to take this medication under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner in a clinical or hospital setting. However, it is also self-injectible – you can administer this drug on your own after your doctor shows you how to do so.
Testosterone Cypionate mimics or imitates the functions of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Hence, it is used widely to treat men who either lack or have a very low testosterone level in their body (hypogonadism).
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